Your Tables

This plugins lets you define forms in the admin area for existing tables in your WordPress database.

Contributors: zerotop
Donate link:
Tags: mysql, forms, table, crud
Requires at least: 3.1.0
Tested up to: 4.5.2
Stable tag: 1.0.0
License: GPLv2 or later (


This plugins lets you define forms in the admin area for existing tables in your WordPress database.

The creation of forms to Create, Update and Delete records is a lot of work. This plugin lets you define the tables and its fields and generates the form for you. The definition of your tables and fields is done in the ‘Your Tables’ and ‘Your Table Fields’ items in the ‘Your Tables’ menu. This functionality is created using the Table definition functionality of this plugin itself. Drink your own Champagne!

These are its features:

  • Manage all tables in your WordPress database in the admin area
  • Create, Update and optionaly Delete records
  • Textbox, Dropdown, List, Radiobox, Checkbox, Date and Textarea support
  • Dropdown, List and Radioboxes can be filled with predefined values or with an SQL query that results in 2 columns (value,label)
  • Use one or more primary keys to select the correct record in your tables
  • Define what roles can use the tables
  • Optionaly change the functionality of the Table and Field definition forms
  • Language support (Currently English and Dutch language is available. We’re looking for translators!)

Request: Currently English and Dutch language is available. If you want to translate for us we will add your name here:

  • English translation: Benjamin de Jong
  • Dutch translation: Benjamin de Jong


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

From your WordPress dashboard:

  • Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  • Search for ‘Your Tables’
  • Click ‘Install now’
  • Activate it after installation
  • Make the functionality available for other roles if needed using ‘Your Tables Settings’ under the WordPress Settings menu.


  • Download ‘Your Tables’.
  • Upload the ‘your-tables’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  • Activate Your Tables from your Plugins page
  • Make the functionality available for other roles if needed using ‘Your Tables Settings’ under the WordPress Settings menu.


  1. An example of the list of records you can edit in a table
    An example of the list of records you can edit in a table
  2. An example of an edit form your a record in your table
    An example of an edit form your a record in your table
  3. The definition form for one field of your table
    The definition form for one field of your table



  • Created the initial version
Posted in Uncategorized.


  1. No Working.
    When I Visit wp-admin/admin.php?page=your-tables-menu
    I get a message saying wp_your_tables does not exist!

    I had some hopes with this plugin, but disappointed.

    Also, I don’t see any sub menu under “Your Tables” as shown in screenshot..

    Let me know If i’m mussing somethin

    • Hi! I’m sorry to hear you have an issue with the plugin. Can you answer the following questions? Then I will investigate the issue:

      • What version of WordPress you are using?
      • What is your database prefix
      • Does your database user has rights to create tables (which is done at the activation of the plugin
      • Are you in a multisite environment
      • Where are you hosting your website
      • Are you able to run SQL statements yourself (In this case I can provide you with the SQL to create the tables, which is a workaround)

      Hope to hear from you!

      • Hello I have the same problem,
        1) What version of WordPress you are using?

        2) What is your database prefix
        table prefix is wpcv_

        3) Does your database user has rights to create tables (which is done at the activation of the plugin
        yes the plugin create wpcv_your_tables and wpcv_your_tables_fields tables but the message say “wp_your_tables does not exist!”

        4) Are you in a multisite environment

        5) Where are you hosting your website

        6)Are you able to run SQL statements yourself (In this case I can provide you with the SQL to create the tables, which is a workaround)

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